All Growers Welcome - No Registration Fee
1:10 p.m. Pesticide License and
Points - What you need to know about the program and the changes.
Erin Bremner-Williamson, Inspector, N.S. Department
of Labour and Environment
1:30 p.m. Apple Scab - What went
wrong in 2006? How can we be better prepared in 2007?
Dr. Gordon Braun, AFHRC Kentville
2:00 p.m. Picking Basket Belts
- Do the belts make picking easier?
Katriona MacNeil
2:20 p.m. Break - Refreshments provided courtesy of Engage Agro
2:30 p.m. Mites - Row widths,
early season tactics, choice of herbicides, miticides and insecticides.
Dr. Mike Hardman and Jeff Franklin, , AFHRC Kentville
3:00 p.m. Fire Blight - What
do we do now? What are the control options?
Larry Lutz, Scotian Gold
1.5 Pesticide Recertification Points Can Be Awarded For Attendance
Any questions call Lisa 902-765-4300
Sponsored by the Apple Farmers' Association of Nova Scotia